The Effects of Short Freshwater Bath Treatments on the Susceptibility to Different Stages of Neobenedenia girellae Infecting Barramundi (Lates calcarifer)

Date Received: Jun 09, 2019

Date Published: Dec 24, 2019







How to Cite:

Hoai, T., Trang, T., & Giang, N. (2019). The Effects of Short Freshwater Bath Treatments on the Susceptibility to Different Stages of Neobenedenia girellae Infecting Barramundi (Lates calcarifer). Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2(3), 409–417.

The Effects of Short Freshwater Bath Treatments on the Susceptibility to Different Stages of Neobenedenia girellae Infecting Barramundi (Lates calcarifer)

Truong Dinh Hoai (*) 1 , Trinh Thi Trang 2   , Nguyen Thi Huong Giang 3

  • Corresponding author:
  • 1 Faculty of Fisheries, Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Hanoi
  • 2 Faculty of Fisheries, Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Hanoi 131000, Vietnam
  • 3 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Hanoi 131000, Vietnam
  • Keywords

    N. girellae, freshwater, treatment, parasites, marine fish


    Neobenedenia girellae is one of the most pathogenic parasites affecting marine fish in captivity conditions. The use of chemicals for parasite prevention and treatment have several benefits; however, they can cause various negative side-effects. In an effort to discover cost-effective and sustainable practices, our current study was aimed at investigating the efficiency of freshwater treatments on N. girellae. A challenge test was conducted to produce infected fish which became materials for the freshwater immersion experiments. The duration and reaction of the parasites at different development stages from eggs to adult parasites were examined. Our findings revealed that 100% of the adults and oncomiracidia of N. girellae were killed quickly in freshwater. The eggs of N. girellae, however, were highly resistant to freshwater with a hatching success rate of more than 95% in all the freshwater immersion treatments (2, 5, 10 and 30min). The eggs hatched mainly on day 7 and finished hatching on day 8. Thus, the freshwater immersion method can be applied to treat N. girellae at most stages excepted for the egg stage. The best practical treatment for this parasite is to perform a replicated immersion recommended 8 days following the first treatment.


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