Circular Agriculture: A General Review of Theories, Practices, and Policy Recommendations

Date Received: Jan 18, 2024

Date Published: Jun 28, 2024







How to Cite:

Chung, D., Duy, L., & Loan, L. (2024). Circular Agriculture: A General Review of Theories, Practices, and Policy Recommendations. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 7(2), 2173–2184.

Circular Agriculture: A General Review of Theories, Practices, and Policy Recommendations

Do Kim Chung 1 , Luu Van Duy (*) 1   , Le Thi Thanh Loan 1

  • Corresponding author:
  • 1 Faculty of Economics and Rural Development, Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Hanoi 131000, Vietnam
  • Keywords

    Circular agriculture, linear agriculture, conventional agriculture


    The conventional agricultural sector is threatened by several factors that cause unsustainable development and serious environmental damage. Circular agriculture is regarded as an essential means and is being adopted globally by many countries. Through a narrative literature review, this article aims to discuss the concepts, theories, and practices of circular agriculture, and to draw recommendations for successful implementation. The findings reveal that circular agriculture focuses on promoting resource circularity in the agro-food value chain, minimizing external inputs, reducing resource requirements, regenerating bio-ecosystems, and reducing environmental impacts to meet increasing food demands and improve producers' livelihoods. Circular agriculture differs from conventional agriculture in terms of its principles, levels of circularity, evaluation criteria, and practices. Circular agriculture practices have been adopted globally due to their economic, social, and environmental benefits. However, circular agriculture still encounters obstacles to widespread adoption, such as vested interests and existing policies. Thus, a comprehensive strategy for circular agriculture development should include rethinking and repurposing the sector development strategy; enhancing changes in producer and consumer awareness and behaviors regarding circular agriculture and organic products; increasing investments in circular technology research and development; providing more incentives for producers to access credit and extension services, produce organic products, and to reuse and recycle agricultural resources; and strengthen farmers' organizations to adopt circular farming technologies.


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