Effect of Plant Density and Hand Weeding on Weed Control and Yield of the Vegetable Corn

Date Received: Oct 16, 2020

Date Published: Dec 31, 2020





How to Cite:

Thiem, T., Thu, T., & Loan, N. (2020). Effect of Plant Density and Hand Weeding on Weed Control and Yield of the Vegetable Corn. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 3(4), 784–797. https://doi.org/10.31817/vjas.2020.3.4.02

Effect of Plant Density and Hand Weeding on Weed Control and Yield of the Vegetable Corn

Tran Thi Thiem (*) 1 , Thieu Thi Phong Thu 1   , Nguyen Thi Loan 1

  • Corresponding author: tranthiem@vnua.edu.vn
  • 1 Faculty of Agronomy, Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Hanoi 131000, Vietnam
  • Keywords

    Planting density, hand weeding, vegetable corn, yield, weeds


    Weed infestation has an adverse impact on the yield of vegetable corn. This study, therefore, aimed to investigate the effects of plant density and hand weeding on controlling weeds and yield of vegetable corn. The experiments were conducted in the field condition in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The planting densities were 79,365 plants ha-1 (D1); 92,593 plants ha-1 (D2); 111,111 plants ha-1 (D3); and 138,889 plants ha-1 (D4). The hand weeding treatments were no weeding (NW), hand weeding once at 3-4 leaf stage of vegetable corn (HW1), and hand weeding twice at 3-4 leaf and 8-9 leaf stages of vegetable corn (HW2). The results showed that the highest planting density combined with hand weeding was generally effective in controlling weeds. Furthermore, the increase in planting density combined with hand weeding significantly improved the physiological traits, which consequently increased the cob yield. The yield was optimum at D3 combined with hand weeding once. Thus, the results suggested that the optimum yield of vegetable corn could be obtained at a planting density of 111,111 plants ha-1 combined with hand weeding once at 3-4 leaf stage, an increase of the cob yield by 2.01 tons ha-1.


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