The Domestic Solid Waste Management Following Circular Economy Model

Date Received: May 28, 2020

Date Published: Dec 31, 2020







How to Cite:

Quynh, N., & Hung, N. (2020). The Domestic Solid Waste Management Following Circular Economy Model. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 3(4), 872–881.

The Domestic Solid Waste Management Following Circular Economy Model

Nguyen Thi Thu Quynh (*) 1   , Nguyen Quoc Hung 2

  • Corresponding author:
  • 1 Faculty of Economics and Rural Development, Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Hanoi 131000, Vietnam
  • 2 Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment, Hanoi 129100, Vietnam
  • Keywords

    Domestic solid waste, circular economy model, recycled


    Along with socio-economic development, the volume of domestic solid waste in Vietnam is increasing by 12% annually. The current management model of domestic solid waste presents many limitations: low collection rate, lack of proper treatment, and low levels of recycling and reusing rates but high rates of buried waste and pollution. Published research and overviews of practical implementation of solid waste management models in typical countries around the world have shown the need to innovate domestic solid waste management in Vietnam following the circular economy model to increase the economic efficiency of resources and to minimize polluting the environment. Accordingly, state management of domestic solid waste needs to be reformed synchronously to ensure the development of a closed cycle of waste from identifying generators, classifying waste at sources, collecting, transporting, and treating waste, to the consumption of recycled waste.


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